Sunday, December 21, 2014

Never trust old ladies in purple dresses

Hello readers! I am here to tell you a true story that happened to me not so long ago.

Ok, here it is: Once upon a time, I was at a nunnery in Myanmar, also known as Burma. That is a place where Buddhist nuns live. Girl Buddhist nuns. The boys living in a monastery are called monks. We were there to watch them eat breakfast (crazy, right?) 

Ok, so, after we watched them sing, we went up some clean tile stairs (you could see that girls lived there) to a couple of temples. Since I am from a different country than most of the people there, I was exotic to them. So, lots of people wanted to take pictures with me. Including the lady at this temple at the nunnery who was wearing a purple dress. Me and my mom said ok to the picture, because, what harm can a couple of pictures do, right? After we took the pictures, the lady came up and hugged me. After the hug... she KISSED me!!! It was on my cheek, and she did it so fast that my mom could not do anything about it. After that incident, my mom sanitized my cheek with a wipe. 

So, fellow kids, if you are ever visiting a place in Myanmar where lots of locals go, do yourself a favor, stay away from ladies in purple dresses, and just in case, bring some wipes with you. 

Hoot hoot, see you next time!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The most important skills in life

So I was thinking the other day, what are the most important skills in life? I’ve decided that they are: squeezing lemons and screaming. Think about it, if you know how to squeeze a lemon, you can have your own lemonade business. Then, when you make money, you can scream MONEY!!!!! Then, if you see a car coming towards a pedestrian, you can scream CAR!!! Then get famous for saving someone's life. So next time someone asks me what the most important skills in life are, I will answer, 
squeezing lemons and screaming!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Rope jumping firefly

I recently trained a firefly to jump rope.
(or, I tried to)
I used my sweater as a rope!!!
The firefly was having fun.
(or, I think so because it flew away from me)

Peace out  hootsome out!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Hi, everyone! Sorry I have not been blogging in a long time : ) Its hard to think up stuff to write. Well, any way, I wanted to share a cloud dough recipe with you guys.

I first got the idea to make this on an amazing blog called Growing a Jeweled Rose. Very awesome blog - so check out the link a the end of my post. Most of you probably don't know what cloud dough is, so I will explain it. It is moldable dough but is much softer than play dough. Here is the recipe.

You will need:
Seven cups Flour
One cup of oil (vegetable, olive)
(Optional) Scent and food coloring

Get a bin, bowl or any size container you want to use and put in the flour. It's about seven cups to each one-cup of oil. Then put in your scents and/or food coloring. I used cinnamon for hot chocolate cloud dough. No food coloring was needed. Then add oil land mix thoroughly.

With the cinnamon dough make a hot chocolate shop for kids to play with. Put in spoons, cups and glitter. Use cotton balls for marshmallows. Add learning by asking kids to give you a certain number of marshmallows for them to engage counting practice.

Also, for this activity you could substitute scented and colored rice for the cloud dough. I have not tried it yet but will try soon and make a future post about it. Explore with all kinds of scents and colors for more play.

Sorry I did not include pictures in this post, but I did not have my camera on me.

Until next time, hoot-hoot and have a hootsome day!

Link to growing a jeweled rose is here

Saturday, May 17, 2014

My first post

Hoot-hoot! This is my first blog post!

...and my first picture post!

Here's what I want to tell you, world: